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Teeth Whitening with Zoom

As we approach the end of the year, you may start to think about your resolutions for 2018. Do your resolutions include bettering yourself or your appearance? If so, we can certainly help to better your smile with our in office teeth whitening!

We offer Zoom Whitening (a product of Philips) as either an in office procedure or with take-home trays. We have had great success with Zoom and have many happy patients who will agree! In a single session, your teeth will be noticeably whiter; you will definitely see a difference. There is an example of a patient of ours below:

before photo, teeth, mouth close-up, dental

after photo, teeth, mouth close-up, dental, zoom, teeth whitening, bleaching

Zoom FAQ

Q: How does the treatment work? How long is it?

A: First, the dentist preps your mouth for whitening and applies a layer of advanced whitening gel to your teeth. To speed up the whitening process, they’ll shine a blue LED lamp onto your teeth which accelerates the whitening. This will remain on your teeth for fifteen minutes. This is repeated three times. Once you’ve reached your desired shade, the dentist will apply our post-treatment gel to help protect enamel and reduce sensitivity. You will be booked for one and a half hours which will include preparation, explanation, the whitening treatment, and clean-up.

Q: Will I see a difference right away? Will the results fade quickly?

A: There is always a noticeable result with Zoom. Of course people with darker teeth to begin with may have a more extreme transformation, but in our experience all of our patients are able to see a difference. How quickly the results may fade does vary from person to person based on the condition of your teeth, your habits, as well as your diet. Immediately following the treatment it will be recommended that you stick to a 'white' diet for 48 hours to avoid staining your teeth while the whitening is still setting.

Q: Can I still drink coffee/red wine after getting whitening?

A: You can still have your favorite drinks following your Zoom treatment but we do recommend abstaining from any dark liquid (including coffee and red wine) for 48 hours following the whitening. If you absolutely can't live without coffee, you may drink it through a straw so that the liquid only touches the inside of your teeth.

Q: Can I do a Zoom treatment if I have sensitive teeth?

A: Zoom can still be done on patients with sensitive teeth but it may aggravate the sensitivity during treatment. For patients with sensitive teeth, we generally recommend using Sensodyne tooth paste for one week prior to treatment and after as necessary.

Q: Can I do Zoom if I have fillings on my front teeth?

A: The whitening gel is designed to only whiten organic material (your teeth) so it will not whiten any fillings that you currently have. When your initial fillings were placed, they were matched with your tooth shade at that time so there will likely be a contrast between your newly whitened teeth and your older fillings. If the fillings are small, it may not be noticeable and there is the potential for redoing the fillings with a more accurate shade following whitening treatment.

Q: What is the cost of the treatment?

A: For our in office Zoom whitening treatment (which involves 3 rounds of whitening), the price is $500. If you choose to do take-home whitening only, the cost of the customized trays and materials is $250.

Q: How do the take-home trays work? How often can I use them?

A: If you decide to do take-home Zoom whitening, you will come in to our office where we will make you customized bleaching trays. Once the trays are completed and fitted, you will be given two syringes of the bleaching material to take home. We generally recommend you use the bleaching material daily until you reach the result you are looking for.

Q: I am a smoker, can I do Zoom?

A: We are willing to try Zoom on most patients but we will caution you that if you continue to smoke after the treatment, your teeth will stain very quickly and likely not retain much of the whitening.

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